The impact of covid vaccinations on all-cause mortality in EU

2023 research (i.e. post- restrictions period)

Coming soon

2022 research (i.e. end of vaccination campaigns)


All-Cause Mortality During Covid-19 Vaccinations in European Active Populations
Patrick E. Meyer and Pierre Chaillot
Version of Nov 24th 2023

Published after triple peer-review in the Proceedings of ICCBB'23 (December 2023).

R Scripts

Produced datasets (using dataset-extraction-v2.R on 2022 sources)

17 EU countries from Dec 2020 to Jun 2022 (i.e. from dose 1 to 4)

Data sources (last downloaded Oct 2023)

Internet Search trends and correlations (from Feb 2017 to Jan 2022)

2021 research (i.e. mandatory vaccination debates)


The impact of COVID-19 vaccines on all-cause mortality in EU in 2021: a machine-learning perspective
Patrick E. Meyer
Research Preprint, December 28th 2021.

R Scripts

Produced datasets (using dataset-extraction-v2.R on 2021 sources)

18 EU countries from Nov 2020 to Nov 2021 (i.e. pre-booster period)

Data sources (last downloaded Dec 2021)

Communications dans le presse et chronologie

Contribution in Books (French)

Last edit: June 2024
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